Working with Exchange
With almost 25 years of working in 19 different African countries, Exchange vzw has a lot of entrepreneurial experience. Yet we are always looking for new volunteers who want to commit to decent work and sustainable partnerships in Africa. Are you thinking of becoming an expert or coach? Then be sure to read on for more information!
Partnerships and co-creation
Exchange is no lone wolf. We go for co-creation. And for partnerships, where everyone operates on the basis of their strength. Exchange always works as a facilitator and bridge builder.
Our many years of experience in Africa provided us with an extensive and valuable professional network of companies, consultants, governments, NGOs and local partners. Both in Belgium as in Africa.

eight focus countries - six sectors
Since 2018, Exchange has opted for focus. A focus on eight well-chosen countries in Africa where we could build strong local embedment. We see a great deal of potential for sustainable entrepreneurship in these focus countries.
In addition, we focus on six sectors that best fit into our way of operating and offer the best prospects for cooperation between Belgian and African companies. Sustainability, innovation and co-creation are keywords in the selection of the sectors.
Discover our volunteer roles
The Programme Coach
As a programme coach you voluntarily commit yourself for a longer-term process (3 years). You guide the programme from start to finish and adjust where necessary to ensure that the chances of success of the programme remain as high as possible. You work closely with the programme manager of Exchange in Belgium.
Business expertise or technical knowledge of a certain sector is not expected from the programme coach. As a coach it is your task to identify which expertise is needed in which phase to help the SME grow. You also ensure that the cooperation continues to be healthy and dynamic and that it always remains to the advantage of the local SME entrepreneur.
- You translate the ambitions of the local entrepreneur into a qualitative programme proposal with concrete phases and intermediate goals.
- You clearly define the intermediate goals per phase with concrete deliverables, linked to the stakeholders involved.
- You determine the needs in terms of material and expertise per phase and you also assess what the specific input from Exchange and other stakeholders should be.
- You facilitate and manage the growth programme.
- Inform Exchange and other stakeholders about the progress of the programme.
Every year you visit your programme in Africa, where you work intensively with the local company for one to two weeks and help realize the set objectives through a process of co-creation.
A programme coach is primarily someone with a broad vision who supports all parties involved and keeps them motivated and is also motivated to bring the programme to a successful finish. Do you recognize yourself in this? Sign up as a programme coach via!
The Expert
As an expert you have specific expertise in a field that is relevant to one of our growth programmes. You can use your expertise voluntarily during the entire duration of a programme, or for a specific phase within the growth plan. Within one programme, different experts are often called upon, or you can act within a team of experts who work in a multidisciplinary way.
As an expert, you...
- Use your expertise both for co-designing and following up the programme (project management) as well as for defined assignments within the programme on site. Co-creation is always key.
- Complete one or more specific deliverables as defined within the programme plan.
- Adjust the programme where necessary, together with the programme coach and the Exchange team in Belgium, based on practical experience.
Do you recognize yourself in this? Sign up as a programme coach via!
A question or specific idea? Send us a message using the form below: