Global Business Partnerships
Experience in partnerships
With 17 years of experience in 19 different African countries, Exchange has built up the necessary experience in setting up and facilitating partnerships between North and South. Therefore Exchange has an extensive network of companies, consultants, governments, NGOs and other local partners in both North and South. Our unique local embedding in the six focus countries ensures that Exchange does not lose touch with the business climate in the South.
Exchange as a companion in the South
Unlocking networks and getting familiar with the local entrepreneurial landscape are our most important assets. Thanks to our CSPs, we also have specific documentation and information about the local business climate on an SME scale. Exchange is a companion for companies with plans in Africa and ensures that they can take steps with confidence in identifying and engaging new customers and suppliers.
Reciprocity of the partnership
The cooperation between Exchange and the South partner takes place in a structured way, that of the growth program (or 'growth trajectory'). In this setting, companies rather than individuals become the central partners for exchange with the South. The partnership is based on reciprocity. A North Company invests in a partnership (providing expertise, activating staff, financial support), but is offered unique services in return.
What's in it for you?
In return for the commitment of a North company to an Exchange program, Exchange offers these companies a series of concrete and interesting services:
- Motivate your employees in a different way: give them meaning
- A unique interpretation of corporate social responsibility
- Creating opportunities to achieve market-based investments in certain African countries
The partnership within a specific program will be shaped by means of a framework agreement based on a fixed fee or by ad hoc paying interventions in the program.
Convinced? Subscribe your company now!
Send us an e-mail via which contains the name and interest of your company and we will contact you in order to concretize a partnership!