Missions to third parties
Thanks to our specific way of working, the experts from Exchange have very valuable expertise. Expertise that can also be useful for other organizations or companies. Through our service of missions to third parties, Exchange can also deploy its consultants and experts against payment for other organizations or companies. These missions are always about temporary, short-term assignments(1-3 weeks) around a specific topic in the South. Moreover, missions to third parties can also take place outside of the five focus countries.
Tell us about your needs
Together with you we specify the precise expertise needs that your company or organization needs. When these needs are defined, we work out the specific assignment for our experts together with you. Based on this, we will design a profile of the ideal expert for your needs.
Exchange will use this information to find you one or more profiles that can assist you in completing the expertise assignment. The final choice as to which expert carries out the short-term assignment lies entirely with you as a company or organization.
Furthermore, Exchange will be responsible for a lot of logistical tasks that your company/organization does not have to worry about. Airline tickets, visa and insurance are arranged by Exchange for the expert.
The price that your company/organization pays for this service depends on the assignment that you have in mind. The duration, location and complexity of the assignment are taken into account in order to come to an agreement with you and to design a fair price.
Contact us
If your company or organization needs specific expertise, don't hesitate to contact Exchange. Send us a message, without any strings attached, to inform us about your needs and we will get back to you as soon as possible!