A celebration of African culture

In September 2023, Exchange vzw organised the first ever edition of Exchange Fest. We wanted to break free from the traditional event formula with long winded-keynotes and success stories, and put the spotlight on what really matters: African entrepreneurs and by extension African culture.

Not only did we proudly present the stories and products of our Southern Growth programmes, we also included Belgian-African entrepreneurs in organising the event. In the wonderful Atelier 29 in Brussels, we spent the day with our volunteers, friends and families. In the afternoon, we hosted two workshops: African cooking - learning how to make traditional samosa's - and African board games. Afterwards, everyone grabbed a plate and loaded up on the mouthwatering African buffet, showcasing some of the best dishes African cuisine has to offer. We ended the night in dance, accompanied by some wonderful African jazz.

Laughs were had, old friendships and connections rekindled and plans for the future made. Don't believe us? Check out some of the pictures below or scroll through the entire gallery.