Refreshing marketing strategy for Manumetal
In Kigali, the employees of Manumetal were able to welcome our digital marketing expert Clo Willaerts. The marketing department of Manumetal, led by the young and ambitious Divine Umulinga, had been asking for new insights for some time. After a meeting between Divine and Clo in Belgium earlier this year, both ladies were extra motivated to work together. Together with Clo, Manumetal's current marketing strategy was inspected and reviewed, especially from the perspective of digital marketing: where does it have the most added value?
Clo also gave a workshop to the staff with tips & tricks to take into account. For example, the importance of storytelling, as well as digitization, trends, and the great opportunity of an important market segment were cited: namely the millennials, who have certainly been an increasing group in Africa for many years now. Of course you reach those millenials mainly via social media. In order to reach that large group, efforts were also made to optimize these digital channels.
At Exchange we are convinced that this refreshing marketing strategy with a focus on digital marketing will certainly help Manumetal to reach new customer segments. And Divine? She is eager to launch this strategy. AMAHIRWE MASA (Good luck) Divine!