Comma, Merkenmarketeers designs Marketing Plan for Malawian tea company
Promotion of Sustainable Tea
Becoming less dependent on international tea markets is the goal of the growth program between Exchange and Satemwa. After all, in the international tea trade only 3-5% of the final value ends up in the producer's hands. That's why Satemwa sells quality tea itself in Europe and the the US. Proven by the many international prizes that Satemwa has already won for their excellent quality, a great product is allready in place! Exchange guides Satemwa in obtaining an international quality certificate and supports the marketing activities of Satemwa.
Comma, merkenmarketeers een marketingbureau uit Zedelgem nam de handschoen op en zal Satemwa begeleiden in het opzetten van een heus marktonderzoek en de ontwikkeling van een marketingplan. Samen met een team van Exchange marketingexperten hielden zij daarom een kick-off workshop met als focus de next steps voor de Europese afzetmarkt. Het is een hele eer om met deze toppers te mogen samenwerken! Stay tuned!
Comma, merkenmarketeers a marketing agency from Zedelgem took the challenge and will guide Satemwa in setting up a professional market research and the development of a marketing plan. Together with a team of Exchange marketing experts, they therefore held a kick-off workshop focusing on the next steps for the European market. It is a great honor to be able to work with these talents! Stay tuned!