High standard dairy products for Rwanda

Blessed Dairies

Inex Image result for icon link

Rwanda, the ideal dairy country

Rwanda is an ideal country for dairy production thanks to its stable climate and good infrastructure. Milk collection centres are located all over the country and a lot of Rwandese have their own cattle.

Rwandan entrepreneur Milton Ngirente installed in 2004 several milk kiosks in the city of Kigali where people could buy raw milk produced by farmers’ cooperatives. But he quickly noticed a lot of surpluses, so he started with a small production unit in 2012. A few years later the dairy company Blessed Dairies was born. Nowadays Blessed Dairies sells and distributes several milk products in Rwanda. Thanks to the production of various milk products such as pasteurized milk, cream, mozzarella and yoghurt, Milton can create added value. Nevertheless the company still faces a lot of challenges, that’s why Milton contacted one of our Business Development Managers to ask for Exchange support.

Feasibility study by Flemish dairy company Inex

In August 2019 Milton Ngirente was very happy to welcome Catherine Gilain-Pycke to conduct a feasibility study at Blessed Dairies. Catherine is the managing director of Inex  and was one of the leading persons to develop this Flemish family company into one of the biggest players in dairy business in Belgium.

After a positive feasibiliy study Catherine decided to get involved in this new Exchange Growth Programme with Blessed Dairies as a coach. In October 2019 Milton Ngirente traveled to Bavegem to see the impressive production unit of Inex. Milton and Catherine also made a first draft of the growth programme.

Growht programma with several goals

The growth programme with Blessed Dairies that started at the beginning of 2020 has several objectives: first of all the strategic management and the marketing plan of Blessed Dairies needs an update. Also the improvement of the quality management will be a main issue to address. Blessed Dairies also wants to improve its processes and production techniques. Last but not least Inex will also advice Blessed Dairies regarding the ideal machines for dairy production and the lay out of the new production unit.

The first phase of the growth programme has been finished. Evariste Mariyamungu was welcomed by Inex in January 2020 for an intensive internship of 10 days. Inex provided an interesting programme tailormade to the objectives of Blessed Dairies. In 2020 Blessed Dairies is now taking action with all the lessons learned to improve Blessed Dairies. Inex is available at any time for advice and will support Blessed Dairies from a distance. In 2021 we will evaluate if a second coaching mission by Catherine is necessary and if any specific expertise is needed by Blessed Dairies. To be continued!

Inex, a family run dairy company with a sustainable vision shares its knowledge

in Rwanda

Inex, producer of drinking milk, yogurt and cream, is a fourth-generation family business and a pioneer in sustainability. With an annual production of 240 million liters and more than 400 employees, this company represents a great social commitment. Inex has its own solar energy park, is working on reducing CO2, saving water and ecological transport. In addition, animal welfare is a priority with special attention to pasture milk. By monitoring the sustainability of its suppliers, Inex is also an inspirator and role model.

Upgrade to zero waste

Cederberg Municipality


Programme Coaches
Anne Vandeputte

South Africa puts an increasing focus on sound waste management. The rainbow nation calls on its municipalities to actively pursue a sound policy in which the local residents play an important link in waste management. Together with the municipalities of Bergrivier and Witzenberg, Exchange is already fully committed to supporting these local initiatives.

The municipality of Cederberg, located north of Cape Town in the Western Cape, is now also starting such a zero-waste initiative. With our accumulated experience and knowledge, Exchange is the ideal partner for Cederberg to assist in its mission. Indeed, Exchange will provide technical assistance and know-how to strengthen waste management and promote recycling initiatives together with existing recyclers. By working together with existing recycles, or local self-employed people and companies that are already active in recycling waste, the partnership also creates important economic opportunities!

The focus is on responsible management of the waste flows through maximum sorting at the source of the recyclable waste flows, reuse of organic waste by means of composting and support for recycling companies in the implementation of their business plans. In addition, awareness programs will promote waste sorting at source and work will be done on sustainable transfer stations and return points.

Clean tourism between the rocks!

in South Africa

Zero-waste toerisme!

Unique to the partnership with Cederberg is that waste management will not be the sole focus. In a second programme, the focus will be on promoting tourism. That is why the municipality of Cederberg and the local Chamber of Commerce and Tourism are jointly examining how the recycling activities can be further developed. There will be special attention for the relationship between the promotion of tourism in the region and the preservation of nature free from litter!

Would you like to learn more about our tourism program with the municipality of Cederberg? Read more on this page!

Clean tourism between the rocks!

Cederberg Municipality


Programme Coaches
Wouter Danckaert

Cederberg Municipality is located North of Cape Town in the Western Cape of South Africa and has a number of unique tourist assets that are not yet fully exploited. The municipality has beautiful rooibos plantations, beautiful rock formations, unique flora and many beaches.

The rock formations in particular offer the opportunity to boost the tourist sector in Cederberg: because of their unique location and shape, they are extremely suitable for climbing activities, especially for bouldering.

Upgrade to zero waste

in South Africa

The aim of the municipality is to develop these bouldering activities in the context of sustainable tourism in consultation with the local population, to put Cederberg on the map as one of the top destinations to practice this climbing sport. Local entrepreneurs can respond to this tourism as much as possible by offering dining and sleeping facilities or by serving the niche market with climbing equipment and accompanying tools! Coach Wouter Danckaert will initially assist the municipality in drawing up an ambitious and realistic tourism strategy!

Zero-waste tourism!

But Cederberg does not focus solely on promoting tourism in the region. Preserving its natural beauty through proper waste management is also one of the top priorities. For this topic as well, Exchange is the ideal partner!

Read how we support Cederberg in the design and implementation of its waste strategy on this page!

Reduce, reuse & recycle


Programme Coach
Vincent Van Horenbeeck
Compnany partner
Subscribe yourself as a candidate!

Mozambique produces 3.5 million tons of waste per year, i.e. an average of 120 kilograms per inhabitant per year, around 9 thousand tons per day throughout the country. Only 2% of this waste receives adequate treatment today. The remaining 98% of waste still goes directly to landfills and causes environmental and public health problems.

However, with the right attitude, waste can even be properly assessed as a resource, a material that can be recovered and made into new products.

Therefore, concrete work is being done by 3R, or "Reduzir, Reusar e Reciclar Limitada" (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) in the cities of Maputo, Beira and Vilanculos. 3R provides integrated waste management services for extensive and large organizations and builds waste processing infrastructure throughout Mozambique. Her vision is the creation of a clean environment for current and future generations through the transformation of the waste sector in Mozambique.

Ecology & Job Security

At the moment, waste is sorted at the source as much as possible and collected both from the large companies and from the "Ecopoints", 3R's collection points which are strategically spread over the city and its suburbs.

Together with its 50 employees, 3R also provides indirect job security to the now more than 1000 collectors in the city. 3R's transformation of the waste sector will give the least-favored Mozambicans a full-fledged job and make the environment cleaner for current and future generations.

Moreover, materials such as PET, HDP and aluminum can now get a new life. In a next phase, even more waste streams will be included in this recycling circuit, such as liquid and medical waste.

Under the guidance of coach Vincent van hoorbeeck, managing partner of 'Impala', a collaboration between 3R and Exchange has recently started with the aim of building up at least 3 waste processing facilities and achieving a full ISO quality certification that allows them to grow to a medium sized company. In addition, 3R also wants to convert PET into reusable products (tiles, packaging straps, building blocks, ...) for sale on the local / regional market as an alternative source of income. We wish 3R, our coach and team of experts every success!

Bergrivier municipality in South-Africa runs a programme called "Garbage and waste as an opportunity".

Garbage and waste as an opportunity

Bergrivier Municipality (Piketberg)



Programme Coach
Katia T’joen
Expert Team
Els Compernolle
Myriam De Munter
Anne Vandeputte
Heist-op-den-Berg Image result for icon link
GreenCape Image result for icon link

In July 2018, representatives from Exchange travelled to Bergrivier in South AfricaThe purpose of this study trip? A partnership focused on strengthening the Turning Waste Into Prosperity programme run by the Bergrivier Municipality.  

The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, also known as the VVSG (Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten), has an international twin cities agreement with BergrivierUnder this programme, Heist-op-den-Berg is the twin to BergrivierThe Flemish municipality also plays a role in this partnership.  

In preparation for the growth programme, an assessment was performed on the current situation in the Bergrivier Municipality. GreenCapea South African non-profit organisation with a focus on green economy, ran the assessment. Using recommendations from GreenCape and in consultation with Bergrivier Municipality and Heist-op-den-Berg (linked city)an action plan was drafted by the growth-programme coach. The first volunteer experts were immediately appointed. The growth programme will primarily focus on the collaboration with local recycling companiescomposting and raising awareness 

Awareness remains the key in the waste and garbage processing programmes for South Africa.  

Bergrivier has already abandoned the concept of public garbage dumps and tips. Concepts such as recycling and separation of waste types at the source have become second nature in the meantime. The recycling of construction waste and glass remain points for improvement. In order to come to sustainable, organised waste management in Bergrivier, innovation, work simplification and education by ‘Waste Ambassadors’ will become the most important spearheads for the partnership.   


Turn Waste into Life

in South Africa

Waste management in South Africa driven by a strong network

in South Africa

What’s garbage for one is energy for another


Programme Coach
Wouter Janssens
Expert Team
Anne Vandeputte
Company partner
Ecowerf Image result for icon link

The secret behind the clean streets of Kigali

Anyone who visits the Rwandan capital Kigali will be hard-pressed not to notice their immaculate streets. Through public tenders, the government selects private companies to ensure the cleanliness of the city. They pick up, collect and process industrial, domestic and street garbage throughout the cityAgruni is one such company, beginning their work in 2002. And today, Agruni is picking up at least three-quarters of the domestic and industrial garbage in Kigali. 

Waste gives agriculture an extra boost!

But it doesn't stop there. Agruni's main ambition is to focus on what happens after waste collection. Part of the non-organic waste is already being recovered and reused, but 80% of the waste collected is of an organic nature and nothing is being done with it at the moment. Agruni's future lies in valorising this organic waste. And what can a country where 90% of the population depend on agriculture make good use of? Correct: compost!

Expertise from the pioneering region Flanders

At Agruni, waste sorting is currently still done by hand on the Nduba dump site. Of course, the organic waste is already 'contaminated' by non-organic waste, making it difficult to make a solid compost from it. It has been proven that compost, provided the correct composition, increases the harvest significantly.

In this growth programme, Exchange will therefore mainly focus on the realization of usable compost on the basis of the collected organic waste. And let that be just one of the areas of expertise in which Flanders plays a pioneering role.

For example, we find a great deal of knowledge at the inter-municipal environmental company Ecowerf in East Brabant. For many years, Ecowerf has been responsible for waste prevention, waste collection and waste processing in 27 municipalities and cities. The company has also achieved a great deal in the domain of composting. Therefore, Exchange Coach Wouter Janssens, from Ecowerf, is extremely well placed to take on this role.

To further optimize the entire chain of operations, Exchange is also working with Agruni to see how current waste collection and transport can be organized even more efficiently.

Agruni and social innovation

Agruni is highly noted for its modern HRM policy and social commitments. Outside of the fact that half of the 1,800 employees are female, the company works with a savings fund. Vulnerable and sick employees are still guaranteed incomes. Plus, it offers a micro-financing formula to its own personnel. As a result, they can access loans that are more beneficial than those available through traditional channels. Agruni also supports a range of social projects every year, helping it to be recognised as an eminently sustainable company.  

The growth programme with Agruni has great potential: Mr Jean-Paul Shiraniro is a born entrepreneur with plenty of daring. Together with Exchange and Ecowerf, Agruni can ensure that Rwanda can further build on its image as a clean country. The great dream of recycling and valorizing all the collected waste remains. And where there’s a will (and a dream), there’s a way!  


Rwandan waste company receives support from pioneer region Flanders

in Rwanda

Ecowerf is an inter-municipal environmental company that is responsible for the waste policy of 27 municipalities and cities in East-Brabant, Belgium. Together with those cities and municipalities, Ecowerf is resolutely opting for a sustainable and integral waste policy, a policy that is innovative and plans for the future!
The ambition of the company is far-reaching: Ecowerf wants to be the absolute trendsetter in the field of waste management in Flanders. Limiting the environmental impact of their activities is more important than making a profit.

EcoWerf organizes intensive internship for Rwandan partner company

in Rwanda

Raising awareness is the key to sustainable waste management

Witzenberg Municipality (Ceres)



Programme Coach
Bert Bortier
Expert Team
Els Compernolle
Myriam De Munter
Anne Vandeputte
Essen Image result for icon link
GreenCape Image result for icon link

Exchange did not only visit Bergrivier, we also met with the Witzenberg Municipality to establish a partnership focused on waste management, waste reduction, composting and recycling.  

The situation in Witzenberg is quite different to the one in Bergrivier. There are still public garbage dumps in use. Recycling and waste separation at the source are still not very well-established behaviours. In Witzenberg, there is still a lot to be done.  

In October 2018, GreenCape performed a needs analysis in Witzenberg. This allowed Exchange to know what expertise and support would be required of us. Time to get to work!  

A third partner in this growth programme is the municipality of Essen. Essen is the twin city to Witzenberg as established in the VVSG twin cities agreement. They have been working together with the South African municipality on waste processing since 2002.  

Exchange will continue to build on the existing collaborations. As well as this, we will be facilitating the expertise exchange. Raising awareness, recycling, composting and collaborating with local recycling companies will be the focus points of the programme in Witzenberg. 


“Turning Waste into Prosperity”

in South Africa

Waste management in South Africa driven by a strong network

in South Africa